Title: V.G. Neo Variable Geo Neo, ヴァリアブル・ジオ Neo / First release date: 2003-12-19 / Developer: Giga
Hentai / adult sex title ready to download for free.

V.G. NeoForum


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avatar GenericLurker
2024-09-11 23:38
Hey. I was just wondering if anyone got this running on Windows 7? I tried, and it refuses to open the setup when mounted. I tried unpacking each disc ISO instead, and running that way. Also didn't work. I tried to use Compatibility Administrator, but neither 32-bit nor 64-bit versions of the program could be used. Tested on both a Windows 7 and Windows 10 machine. Both installations already set to Japanese mode. Is this VN actually a 16-bit program?