Create an account

Please read this, thank you!
To create your account, please do the following:

  1. Click on the button Create an account
  2. Fill the form, an email will be sent to you after completing it
  3. Wait a few minutes, sometimes the mail is sent with a small delay
  4. If you don't receive the email after that, please use the following link Activate your account
  5. Select the issue Account activation

Important information

Email accounts from Microsoft (Outlook / Hotmail / Live) can't receive any mails from H-Suki so you will not be able to activate your account.
Please use a different mail service like Protonmail, Gmail, Tutanota...

I confirm that I have read the text above.
I confirm I will check my SPAM folder.
In the case of nothing happens, I will use the page Account issues.