Hsuki Website update (++2023-05-25)HSuki News


ADMIN xgrab
2023-05-22 21:04

Hello everyone!

A maintenance has been activated wildly today!
I had to update some stuff on the website as I was working on that since a couple of weeks.

To sum up quickly (you can check the changelog on the HSuki section for full details):
- New filters added on the search page.
- Some bugs were fixed, but I guess new ones have appeared!
- New profile settings to change the display of the website (font-size...)
- Adding a proper Missing titles section
- Adding a VIP+ section + a backlog option for VIP+ users

Sorry about the maintenance, it took longer than expected.

I hope you will enjoy the changes.

Edit (2023/05/25):
+ The VNDB tags have now three sub tabs for each category (Technical, Content, Sexual Content).
+ For VNDB titles, I have added a link to search for a savefile


Total 4
avatar Mike4382
2023-05-23 04:08 2023-05-23 04:12
Xgraab! I'm so excited to see some of the changes!! The new filter option is amazing too, as is the possibility to link walkthroughs.

Regarding this change:

> I have added an option to display all VNDB tags for a title, it will be used from now on.

I am super excited to see this change, and it will be a game changer I think for many. I noticed that the button is present for some titles, but not others.. Is this something that will just take time to update? For the titles that the button is present, I noticed only tags under s** content is shown, rather than all tags that vndb has for the title. I'm guessing this was intentional, but maybe a case could be made for eventually being able to search by "normal" tags as well? Vanilla enjoyers for example might look for Childhood Friends and that stuff :-)

The changelog might look minor, but you've made giant leaps with this update. Really well done, and keep up the good work!

Edit: Also wanted to mention that you clearly managed to exclude some vndb tags that already existed in Hsuki currently for the title. Preventing duplication and all that, very impressive!
avatar xgrab
#37 Admin xgrab
2023-05-23 22:41
Hello Mike!

Thanks a lot for your enthusiastic comment, this is great to see that I have done something ok and that you like those new things.

About VNDB, I will add more details:
  • You're correct, only sexual tags are added, I thought it was the correct one judging the nature of HSuki (which is hentai related). And also because, it could lead to too much datas. In my mind, I like things to be the slim as possible, but I don't know, maybe it could be the correct things to add other tags too.
    This will need some change to the current system, but I guess doable.
  • The tags are not added automatically (at least for now), don't forget I'm an average dev.
    I add them manually, but since I'm checking all titles from scratch, majority of them will have those tags added.

I will try to improve this feature in the future!

Regarding your Edit thing, I'm not sure I have done something like that, but if it's real, I'm glad!
I would like more info about that if you can elaborate more.
avatar Mike4382
2023-05-27 07:44 2023-05-27 12:59
Hey xgrab, appreciate you sharing your thoughts

Regarding the edit, I found this title that was missing the ntr tag (https://www.h-suki.com/en/games/12708 ) but then i found this title (https://www.h-suki.com/en/vipplus/8 ) which has femdom for both h-suki tags and vndb tags Oops!

Adding all the tags manually sounds rough. I hope one day it could be automated somehow, at the press of a button.
avatar Chazzmaster1
2023-05-27 17:59
You're alive !!!!