No update ~2 weeksHSuki News


ADMIN xgrab
2023-05-30 23:00


As the title says, I'm taking a break for around two weeks, so there will be no update or  maybe a couple during this period.
I really need to organize my folders and it's hard to deal with that + searching for new games.
For those who have an active vip account, I have added 15 free days for each membership.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

See you soon!


Total 2
avatar Mike4382
2023-06-01 22:19
About time. Enjoy your break xGrab Have something cold and enjoyable this summer! 
avatar xgrab
#41 Admin xgrab
2023-06-04 21:35
Hello Mike !

Thank you, I definitely need one.
Have a nice summer too!